Bible Quiz for All Kids
Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6
Bible Quiz for All Kids was launched in 2001 and ever since has taken place every year. It has become a signature event of Thailand Bible Society that engages children from middle school to high school representing schools or churches, who enjoy the contest and learn from the Scripture.
In order for as many children as possible to be involved, we collect minimal fees that do not cover all the expenses. Not only that, we aim to facelift the programme to make it more interesting and interactive, e.g., using AI, which would attract more participants and make the quiz more versatile. However, this can only be possible if more funds are available.
Children of all faiths in 3 levels
1. Middle School (Aged 10-12)
2. Junior High School (Aged 13-15)
3. High School (Aged 16-18)
For all participants – certificates
For the winners (3 prizes for each level) – trophies, medals, money
1. Believing children learn and absorb the Word of God into their lives.
2. The seed of the gospel is sown in the hearts of unbelieving participants. Some of the kids found Christ as their Lord and Saviour at the end.
3. All participants, whether they win or not, are awarded with certificates that expand their portfolios. This would serve as their credentials when they further their studies.